Hey there! I've got a treat for you! This link goes to a rare item, a Re-Animator Desktop Theme!
OK so maybe I have a little too much time on my hands, but that is all the better for you. This is a wallpaper image that I made in the same sprit of all those X-files collages that you see (everywhere). I'm working on several more as we speak.
Hopefully they will spice up your drab desk top a bit. To place the image on your desktop simply click on the thumbnail below and then when you see the larger image click your right hand mouse button and select "set as wallpaper". You may have to save the images and change them into bmp. files in order to get them on your desktop. I hope you enjoy them.
The latest wallpaper addition (Dr. Mordrid) was a request all the way from Japan, how could I say no? Why would I want to? (Those are retorical questions by the way).
These pictures make good wallpapers as well. Just click on the pictures below to see the larger version and follow the above instructions. Come on, you know you want to! There will be more of these when I get the time, until then: Enjoy!
Castle Freak